Running of Bulls event (July, 7th)
Type: Bullfighting, Events & Festivals
Location: municipality Pamplona »
"Running of Bulls" event is part of festival of San Fermin and is the best known event taking place in Pamplona. TV-spectators in all the world are surprised, impressed or shocked each year when they watch the spectacle of bulls running through the streets of the town and hundreds of young men, usually dressed in traditional white shirts and red belts, ahead of them.
The spectacle takes place on the first day of the festival (July, 7th). During the following week all Pamplona is the scenery of an enormous party, with dancing and singing and drinking - it is certainly the most exciting week of all the year.
The spectacle takes place on the first day of the festival (July, 7th). During the following week all Pamplona is the scenery of an enormous party, with dancing and singing and drinking - it is certainly the most exciting week of all the year.